1 Sept 2013

Almirah or Safe Placement as per Vastu

Many vastu consultants and vastu shastra itself recommends to keep the iron shelf Almira towards Southwest part of a room and that to in Southwest portion of the house. This is advisable and correct system. Keep the Almira towards Southwest and open towards North or East. But beware it should not have the mirror. Otherwise it is nothing but Southwest mirror. Check the below images.

Here an iron Almirah facing towards East direction at Southwest part of a house. This is only for your kind information. If the same Almirah is stand on one dais made with mountain rock base, then it is perfectly good. The Almirah facing towards North is first preference and facing towards East is second preference. Some may have the Almirah with glass. Below is one of that. It should not be keep towards Southwest part of the house.

Here the Almira is having one mirror which is not good to keep towards Southwest direction of the room, which is towards Southwest master bedroom. It may be considered as a door. The door towards Southwest direction is not auspicious one. Please note that we have tested at some where and getting reviews and noted points and informing to our website visitors. Some body may get immediate results and some body may not get immediate results, based on reviews from our customers, we have decided to practically done the experiments and noted the points, some health problems are created and financially some issues are coming if the Almira is having the mirror. Better keep the Almira without mirror at Southwest part. If you never faces any problem, then continue, we don't have any objection, what we published here is what we tested. The heavy furniture like Almirah and Sofa sets and heavy tables etc should be arranged towards Southern southwest corner. It is better that this furniture be placed along with the walls in the South and the West.

Remedy for Glassed Almirah:

How to do the correction for this mirror to the Almira, here is the small tip, one resident used thermocol. No need to remove the mirror from the almira, if you remove the mirror, it shows very ugly and entire room atmosphere may disturbs.
We also recommends to go for another tip, use the portrait wallpaper which is easily available in the market. Affix the same wallpaper to this thermocol if you needed, or you may directly affix the wallpaper to the mirror with transparent cellophen tape.

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